On the TI-84+/SE/CSE/CE, the Text( command may also erase a single row of pixels underneath the text: whether this occurs or not depends on whether it was the menu screen or the table that was visited last, of the two.

All characters are 6 pixels tall, but the top row of pixels is used very rarely (only in international characters such as ä). Unlike the large text used on the home screen, the small font this command uses varies in width from 2 pixels to as many as 6 (counting the blank space at the end of each character, which is 1 pixel). If part of what you want to display goes off the screen, it will not be displayed - the calculator will cut you off at the most characters that will fit on the screen entirely. Like the Output( command, it is limited to numbers and strings. It takes three arguments: the row, which can range from 0 to the number of pixels tall the screen is (62 on grayscale, 164 on color) at which you want to display something, the column, which can range from 0 to the number of pixels wide the screen is (94 on grayscale, 264 on color), and whatever it is you want to display. The Text( command allows you to display text on the graph screen, using the small font. The alternative syntax allows using the large font on the graph screen (TI-83+ and higher only) Displays a number, a string, or several numbers and strings (you may mix and match) at (row, column) on the graph screen, using the small font.