In fact, spin was on the low side but very consistent. Reviewing my launch monitor data, the Project X Cypher was strong on high launch, but didn’t produce the intended high spin. Turns out that graphite weave I mentioned above wasn’t just for looks, it was located to provide mid-section stability. Leaning into some shots, the profile remained the same – a positive note for those occasional tee shots where you really want to try and bomb a drive. It took some focus to sense a kick point about a third the way up from the clubhead. Overall the Cypher shaft had a smooth, controlled feel that seemed fairly consistent. My typical stock driver shaft option with most OEMs falls around 55 grams, and the Cypher 5.5, at 55 grams, felt comfortably familiar. The Project X Cypher driver shaft is designated as ultra-lightweight, but, with a weight range from 47 to 56 grams, the ‘ultra’ may be a stretch at the top end.

The section adds some visual interest if you prefer a logo down setup. Revealing itself when the light hits it just right is a band of graphite weave in the midsection. If you like a well coordinated color scheme in your driver, the Project X Cypher shaft looks amazing in the Callaway Epic Speed. Further complementing the name, Project X wrapped a segment of interlocked geometrical squares around the shaft, again utilizing the color green. The ‘CYPHER’ graphic on the shaft perfectly captures the essence of the name with the interlocking notches and thin green lines on the leading edges of the letters that give the appearance of coming into focus. This review is solely focused on the driver version. One final key aspect of the Cypher is that the shafts are available in both woods and irons, providing for consistency in feel and performance across the bag. The Project X Cypher is also billed as an ultra-lightweight design. And fortunately, as I’ve come to appreciate over the years, the website goes on to define the target golfer ( deliberate tempo) and design characteristics ( high trajectory and high spin).

The True Temper website starts with this simple description: “The key to decoding distance throughout your bag.” Clever. Like other crafty names from Project X (think HZRDUS and Riptide), Cypher has intrigue but on its own doesn’t tell you much about the shaft. Also offered as an iron shaft for consistency across your set. New to the Project X lineup, the Cypher driver shaft provides a smooth, controlled feel with mid-section stability.