Click on each of the Bytes and Bits for the documented options and check or un-check the appropriate boxes as shown in the example below:.If a channel reports Error, Security Access required refer to the pop-up balloon in VCDS after selecting. Choose the desired operation from the drop-down list -or- type the channel number into the box and the stored value.

Modifications are found in found in two locations: The KESSY itself is the immobilizer, and does not have a sense of humor - in other words don't mess with him. BCM 2 controls most of the rear body lighting and conventional comfort operations such as windows and door locks.

BCM 2 is the - Comfort System module AND it has a virtual address address word - Acc/Start Auth.BCM 1 is the - Central Electronics which is responsible for most of the lighting in the front of the vehicle and sub-system controls including wiper activity. Central Electronics / Body Control Module (BCM1 1.0)